Purchasing auto insurance for teenagers can be expensive. The following tips can help lower insurance premiums. Below are the 5 tips for buying affordable car insurance for teenagers which every parents & teenagers would love it.
Get Good Student Discounts
Some insurance companies offer discounts to students for their academic performance. Insurance companies often give full time students additional discounts because statistics show they are better drivers, i.e. a lower risk.
Good Student Discounts vary from company to company. However, most companies allow one to qualify for the good student discount if one is a full-time student, between the ages of 16-25 years, and maintain at least a B average.
Enroll your teen in driver education
If your state does not require it, taking an education or driver safety course can earn you discounts through your car insurance company. After driver education you can enroll your teen in an additional driver training course to lower your premium. Most insurance companies offer discounts to those who take these courses.
Monitor your teen’s driving
It is a good idea to ride with your teenager a few times a month to observe their driving habits. Educate them about how a driving violation can be costly and may even prevent them from getting their permanent license. Make sure to emphasize the dangers of distracted driving, especially texting and driving.
Buy a sensible car
Expensive and sporty cars will most likely have a higher insurance premium. Try buying a used car first before purchasing a new car. Also, the car you buy for your teenager should have high safety rating or have additional safety features installed. Safety features and high safety ratings will lead to lower insurance rates.
Add your teen to your policy
Another way to lower the insurance cost is to add your teenager to your insurance policy. Research the price of how much it will cost to add your teenager to your policy vs the cost of a standalone policy. Generally, if you can bundle it with your insurance, it will be less expensive.
Misc. Ideas
A good driving record will keep your rates low and affordable.
Vehicle safety features will lower your premiums.
Bundling your policies can save money, such as pairing them with homeowners insurance
Ask your insurance agent about any other discounts that your teenager may be eligible for, you may be surprised at some discounts you qualify for!
If you're looking for the reliable new & used car financing in Kansas City then you should visit Northtowne Mazda. For more detail visit KcMazda.com.
Ask any startup founder and you’ll get the same answer: There is hardly anything more exciting in the business field than starting your own company.
And this holds true for auto dealers, too.
But how to start a non-franchised, used-car car dealership and succeed can be tough for many.
While the enthusiasm and energy are abundant in the first months of setting up a new business, the challenges are plentiful too. From financial difficulties to lack of business focus, there are many potential pitfalls on the path of the dealership startup.
What better way to avoid mistakes but to get to know the most common ones that fresh auto dealers make?
Let’s go through the usual pitfalls together, so that your startup dealership is bulletproof.
No Business Plan
Any successful entrepreneur will tell you a solid business plan is a recipe for a well-functioning business. It’s the bible of your company and will evolve with every step you take. Not having a business plan is a recipe for disaster.
The plan gives you the stimulus and opportunity to define your business goals and create a trajectory to follow. It has to contain your mission and vision, which give the overarching structure of your business. Without such an overview, you’ll find yourself at a dead end.
As a critical part of your business plan, don’t forget to research your competitors. That allows you to know “your enemies” and claim your rightful spot in the market. This means you can differentiate your products and services and find the target audience that will best match your company.
Finally, think about your business location. For auto dealers, this is crucial, as convenient and visible locations simply work better for your clients. This step also is a part of setting the stage for the development of your business.
No Sound Financial Plan
Needless to say, adequate financial planning goes hand in hand with the business plan. Having a good overview of your budget, savings and financing options is essential, as it gives you the basis for your operation. The usual tip here is not to overextend yourself financially, as you can easily make a wrong turn in the beginning.
Getting down to specific numbers, the estimated investment for a dealership startup is about $100,000. This, indeed, is a big figure, so it’s essential to know how you’re going to distribute the sum among your different priorities such as facilities, land, inventory and working capital. It’s a good idea to get advice from an accountant, as well as continuing help with your monthly financials.
Having a well-tracked budget also means being careful with hiring staff. Not too early and not too late may sound like a paradox, but that’s the rule of thumb. Furthermore, keep in mind that having excellent mechanics will bring you a lot of business, so make sure to invest in hiring good ones.
No Clear Business Focus
When you start small, it’s important to have a clear focus on a service or product. In this way, you can specialize and capitalize on your expertise, while also saving on big investments that a wide portfolio requires. If you scatter your efforts in buying, say, all kinds of cars, you can easily lose your way in overspending.
For example, one option would be to start with selling European cars. You can get them either by directly approaching people selling their cars or at auctions. You can start with a modest inventory of about 10 cars and whenever they’re out, use the turnover to make the next purchases. It’s a wise step to keep the working capital at the level of two months’ inventory. While scaling in this manner can take a while, it keeps you on the safe side financially.
Such a focused approach also gives you the opportunity to make a name in a certain domain of car sales. You can learn the ins and outs of this trade, thus developing a clear specialty. Once you have this stable ground, it’s much easier to widen your focus and add new types of vehicles and extra services with full-blown power.
Forgetting About Branding and Marketing
Once you delve into the startup universe, you will quickly learn the mantra of any new business in this age: Market your brand. While many car dealers still think this is not relevant for their business, reality shows the opposite. If you’re just taking your first steps as a car dealer, don’t get caught in this common opinion trap.
If you really want to make a difference on the market, you should create a brand for your dealership and put real effort into creating a consistent image of it. The brand transcends the idea of a company that only makes profit. It turns your dealership into a renowned name that has an attractive force beyond its good prices or great customer service. And this is precisely what you should be aiming for.
That’s why not having a marketing budget is a big mistake. Even if your financing is tight, invest in at least a basic marketing service. You won’t believe how many business leads will come from there, especially if you focus on exploring the power of online marketing.
Moreover, returning happy customers often are a bigger and more stable source of revenue than finding new ones constantly. Having a strong brand, along with great service, will help you build those lasting relationships.
Losing Track of Your Credit History
This last point is connected with the first one – namely, having a good business and financial plan for your startup. Many new (and even experienced) dealers make a grave mistake in this respect, as they don’t track their finances and allow their businesses to get into serious debt.
Staying in shape financially is important, because once you owe large sums, it’s difficult to think about solid profit. This means your business should be really flexible and you should adapt to new circumstances as they come.
Maintaining a good credit score is essential for keeping your dealership license too. If your business is located in, say, Texas, every time you need to renew the license, you will have to renew your Texas auto dealer bond. The catch here is that if your credit score falls, the price of your dealer bond will increase.
Instead of paying between 1%-4% of the bond as a premium, you can end up paying 15%. This means that if you need a $25,000 bond, with good credit you will have to pay between $250 and $1,000, while the price for high-risk cases can be up to $3,750. A bad credit record even can get your dealer bond application declined, which is a death sentence for your startup.
Getting to know these common startup mistakes will help you avoid them in your own dealership business. Don’t forget that while there are many potential pitfalls, it’s all about having the right information in advance and being prepared.
Choosing the right car for a teenager can be a difficult task. Most parents try to stay within a budget without compromising vehicle safety. The five used cars below are reliable cars that your teen will like and will not break your bank.
2008 Chevy Malibu
The Chevy Malibu is a great sedan that is a good and reliable car for teenagers. This car has a 169 horsepower, 2.4 liter four-cylinder with four-speed automatic transmission. The Malibu has smooth, excellent driving dynamics. It is also affordable. The price of the 2008 Chevy Malibu can range from $5,237 to $10,850, depending on mileeage and condition of the vehicle.
2009 Mazda 6
If your teenager is looking for a sporty vehicle, look no further. The 2009 Mazda 6 has smooth transmissions and a roomy cabin. The sports car has a 3.7-liter V6 engine with 272 horsepower at 6250 rpm. Consumer Report has given excellent ratings to this vehicle for reliability and government crash tests. The price of a 2009 Mazda 6 is anywhere from $5,000 to $12,400.
2009 Ford Focus
The Ford Focus gets 24 mpg in the city and 35 mpg on the highway. The 2009 Ford Focus scored above average on safety.
Some of its safety features are:
Driver, passenger, side, side head air bags
4-wheel automatic braking system
Electronic stability control
Traction control
A 2009 Ford Focus that has around 72,000 miles, with overall good condition, is available, on average, for $7,000.
2010 Toyota Corolla
This vehicle is fuel efficient and would be a great fit for any teenager. It gets an estimated 27 mpg in the city and 35 mpg on the highway and has a 1.8 liter 1-4 cylinder engine. The Corolla is safe and affordable for any teenager. Other reasons the Corolla is good choice for teens is that it is inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to insure, and inexpensive to drive. 2010 Toyota Corolla can be purchased for $5,100-$12,000, depending on mileage and overall vehicle condition.
2004 Ford Ranger
The Ford Ranger is a single-cab truck. Since only one other passenger can fit in the vehicle, your teenager will be less distracted. The body of the truck is very durable and it has four-wheel drive, which makes it a reliable vehicle in winter weather. The pickup truck is also helpful for the move to college. The 2004 Ranger is valued under $10,000, which is a very affordable price.
If you're looking for the reliable used car dealership in Kansas City then you should visit Northtowne Autogroup. For more detail visit Northtowneautogroup.com.
FORT WORTH, Texas — Based on recent developments, it’s obvious government regulators are active this holiday season. So to help ring in this season of regulatory compliance, AutoStar Solutions’ Chief Legal Officer Steve Levine offers his "12 Days of Dealership Compliance."
"The government crosshairs on auto dealers is not going away. In fact, it’s only intensifying," Levine said. "For dealers big and small, the threat is real, and so is the learning curve. This 12-step checklist will give dealers the starting points they need to keep the big government Grinch at bay."
DAY 1: Document the pertinent facts. Protect your dealership from the start, when facts are fresh on your mind and you don’t have to rely on memory. Keep detailed notes about the transaction, negotiation process and customer. They may come in handy later.
DAY 2: Keep a centralized compliance manual. Type out all your processes, procedures and other compliance-related documentation, then compile them in a large three-ring binder. If a regulator pays your store a visit, this book should be one of the first things you show him or her. It’s a clear sign that you understand the importance of compliance, and you’ll get big points for effort.
DAY 3: Get to know your regulators. If you develop a positive relationship with your assigned regulators, you may be surprised at the courtesies they pay you — such as a heads-up phone call when they receive a complaint.
DAY 4: Hire a specialized attorney. Just because you share a long history with your current attorney doesn’t mean he or she is the right person for automotive regulatory issues. Are car dealers his or her specialty, or just one of the many types of clients in his or her practice? Regulatory compliance is a highly detailed, ever-changing area of the auto industry. As a result, some lawyers who don’t fully understand the car business have unknowingly implicated their clients. Is that a risk you want to take? If you decide to switch, consider an attorney who is an active member of the National Association of Dealer Counsel.
DAY 5: Reframe your view of complaints. In reality, complaints can be a gift. They may feel annoying, but many of the people who come to you first will complain to a regulator or lawyer if the matter isn’t resolved. In fact, 90 percent of state attorney general investigations originate from complaints. So consider them a golden opportunity to fix the problem and prevent a regulator from ever hearing about it.
DAY 6: Audit your deal jackets before turning them over. If you receive an auditor letter asking for a certain number of deal jackets in various categories, by all means, ask your attorney to hand-pick the ones without compliance issues. And only turn over what’s legally required. Miscellaneous handwritten notes or other extraneous documents can implicate you and cause further action unnecessarily.
DAY 7: Implement progressive discipline for rogue employees. Never turn a blind eye to employees who break compliance rules. If you don’t discipline and document violations of your dealership’s compliance policies, you can bet regulatory agencies will hold you accountable for your employees’ mistakes.
DAY 8: Proactively right your wrongs. This is not the time to shove problems under the rug and hope no one notices. The minute you find a compliance issue, fix it immediately. Then keep records of any refunds, and tell regulators if they come knocking.
DAY 9: Get your advertising house in order. Noncompliant ads and direct mail pieces give regulators a foot in your door, after which they may start poking around in other areas. It’s best to read up on advertising compliance and consult an auto dealer attorney to avoid further trouble.
DAY 10: Pass on your knowledge. All the understanding in the world about compliance issues means nothing if your staff doesn’t share that knowledge. Regulators will investigate whether you train your team to comply, or set policies just for show.
DAY 11: Assume your regulator has little to no experience with dealerships. State attorneys general, for example, oversee so many industries that most of their lawyers possess only a basic understanding of the auto world. It’s your job to help them understand how things work, and why.
DAY 12: Be as nice as humanly possible. Some dealers take a confrontational approach with regulators. It simply doesn’t work. The government possesses all authority and leverage in this situation. But they are people too, so behaving as kindly as you can muster will go a long way.
To learn more about AutoStar Solutions, a provider of web-based software for independent dealerships and finance companies, visit www.autostarsolutions.com.
The first thing to do when trying to get the best interest rate to purchase a used car is to obtain your credit score. You can get your credit score from Experian or Equifax. These companies are the most trusted credit-reporting agencies in the nation. Once per year you can get a free credit report, but if you need it more than once per year you can request it at a small fee. Your credit score determines the interest rate you may qualify for. Banks and credit unions also use the same score to determine your credit worthiness.
Try a lender network company
Companies such as E-loan and Lending Tree make it easy for you to compare interest rates to other institutions. Submit a request for a car loan to E-loan and they will give you the options of the best rates from different financial organizations.
Using a network of lenders saves you the time of doing the research yourself and gives you a great place to start when finalizing the source you will use for your car loan.
Ask your current bank or credit union about their rates
It is a good idea to compare the interest rates offer by the network of lenders and what your current bank or credit union may offer. You can take the best offers you already received from a lender and ask your bank if they can match or beat the deal. Your bank may offer you a better deal as they can not only review your credit score but also your bank transactions.
Ask your dealer about their financing options
Your last stop while shopping for a best possible interest rate should be the car dealership. Many car dealers provide a wide selection a financing options. Even if your credit score isn’t above average, car dealerships can offer good deals on interest rates, after all they also want to sell you the car.
Be sure to bring all your pre-approved rates with you to the dealership. Having preapproved loans will indicate to the dealer that you are creditworthy and capable of paying off your loan, which may get you a better deal.
Pay attention to loan’s total cost
When shopping at different places for the best rate, keep in mind that no matter how low the rate, if the loan is extended over a longer period of time, you will be paying more in the long run. The best way to make sure you are still getting a reasonable price on the loan is to focus on the total cost of the loan. A higher interest rate for a shorter period of time may be cheaper than having a lower interest rate for a longer period of time. If you choose to have a lower interest rate for a long period of time, be sure that you avoid an upside-down loan, which means you owe more than the car is worth. You can avoid an upside-down load by making a larger down payment.
Car Financing in Kansas City If you are looking to find a loan within the Kansas City area, Northtowne can assist you with any of your financial needs. We want the rate that’s best for you when buying a used car so we’ll help you find financing outside of our dealership as well as inform you of our financing options. Resource:
If you're looking for the reliable new & used car auto financing in KC then you should visit Northtowne Mazda. For more detail visit KcMazda.com.
Here is the list of five important things you, the car buyer, should pay attention to when on the dealership lot or when checking out the same vehicle online.
1. Interior Condition of the Vehicle
There are many things to check in detail when inspecting the interior of a vehicle:
Check the interior upholstery carefully for any tears or stains.
Check if the air-conditioning and heating system exhausts are blowing air properly.
Check the odometer for car mileage.
Check different lights that are inside the vehicle, like hand brake indicator, ability to change the intensity of dash board display, dome light, radio, CD player, etc.
Make sure Check Engine light is off, if the indicator is on, avoid that car.
2. Exterior Condition of the Vehicle
Check the exterior condition of the vehicle in general, including:
The paint job of the vehicle, check for any rust spots, dents or scratches.
Inspect for signs of rust or water entry due to cracks or holes
Be sure tires are worn evenly and are the same kind. Don’t forget to check the spare tire as well.
Make sure headlights and brake lights are working properly.
3. Online Reviews of the Vehicle
Read online reviews about the make and model of the used car you want to purchase. The review contains all the advantages and disadvantages of the vehicle. You should also search for customer reviews before making the decision to purchase the used car.
4. Price of the Vehicle
It is important to research the price of the used car to ensure you are paying the right price. Use several different sources such as Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds to compare prices for the same year, make, and model. While the final price of the vehicle will depend on the vehicle’s mileage and its condition, but researching the price will give you a good idea on the possible price range.
5. History of the Vehicle
Determine if the vehicle has been any accidents or has had any major repairs. Obtain the vehicle’s VIN number or ask the salesperson about the vehicle history report. Most dealership these days offer free CarFax or AutoCheck reports on their website. If needed, you can obtain the vehicle’s VIN number from the dashboard on the driver’s side of the vehicle. The vehicle history report can help you make a more confident decision when buying a used car.
The history report may contain all or most of the following:
If the vehicle has been in a major accident
How many owners the vehicle’s has had
The odometer history of the vehicle
If the vehicle was ever a lemon
If the vehicle has any flood damage
Resource: If you are searching for a used vehicle in the Kansas City area, there are many places online to compare models and prices to ensure you are getting the best deal. Visit our website, at northtowneautogroup.com to compare used cars for the best deals.
GOTHENBURG, Sweden — On Dec. 15, Volvo Car Group announced a new global marketing strategy, the first leg of which will focus on selling vehicles online. The automaker said the digital push will complement its existing dealer network.
“Volvo Cars will start to sell online gradually across the globe,” the company said in a press release. “But rather than a replacement of our dealership network, online sales will complement our dealerships. Volvo Cars has worked closely with its dealer network in developing the tool in order to retain the personal touch that is so important in buying, delivering and servicing cars.”
The company took its first step toward online sales in September, when it sold 1,927 Special Editions Volvo XC90 cars exclusively online. Part of Volvo’s strategy involves the launch of a new website that will allow customers to select fully-specified cars and adjust them based on personal taste and budget rather than from scratch.
The automaker has also started to implement initiatives to upgrade existing dealerships in a similar way to “display the Scandinavian roots of the Volvo brand.” New dealerships will have a globally uniform layout.
In addition, all Volvo dealer staff will go through a training program on the automaker’s new customer service process. The process, called Volvo Personal Service, will provide every Volvo customer with a Personal Service Technician.
“At the delivery of his or her new car, the customer will be introduced to the Personal Service Technician who will take care of the customer and car throughout the ownership,” according to the release. “This programme obviously requires an extensive training and development programme, which is already underway. A number of countries have already adopted the Personal Service Technician concept as a pilot programme and customer satisfaction in these markets has increased significantly.”
The program is expected to be fully implemented in all Volvo dealerships by 2018.
In addition, the automaker plans to reduce its activities at motor shows — eventually only appearing at one motor show per region per year —and instead holding its own events.
“The car industry is one of the most conservative, least evolutionary marketing clusters in global business,” said Alain Visser, senior vice president Marketing, Sales and Customer Service at Volvo Cars. “For decades, car marketing has been following a certain pattern which is followed by the entire car industry. Now, Volvo Cars chooses to defy that logic and implement a strategy that is geared towards its own needs."
Online retail websites in China are paving a wider sales path for new vehicles by catering to increasing numbers of "click-and-drive" car buyers.
Tmall, the retail division of e-commerce giant Alibaba, reported explosive growth for new-vehicle orders on the Chinese shopping-holiday Single's Day, November 11. Some 50,700 shoppers clicked a booking through its website, representing an estimated 500 percent increase from online demand on the same day in 2013.
Other retail websites reported similar spikes. A website that sells cars called Bitauto.com registered bookings for some 530,000 vehicles November 11, compared to around 90,000 cars on the same day 2013.
One auto industry analyst who asked not to be named said more Chinese consumers are switching from browsing inside dealer showrooms to browsing the web before clicking on a car of their choice. Many have found online shopping more efficient and effective than traveling from showroom to showroom in search of a new set of wheels.
Auto dealers and automakers have switched to web sales as well, the analyst said. In some cases, the competitive atmosphere has forced them to accept lower profits after cutting prices to drive sales. In the long run, though, dealers and automakers hope to make money on after-sales services.
Car dealers that operate some 8,000 showrooms across the country and sell more than 30 brands including BMW, Toyota and Volkswagen cars were in the forefront of Single's Day discounts on Tmall. At a Beijing dealer that sells Dongfeng Nissan cars, sales representatives worked until late on November 11 processing orders booked on the website.
Speedier Shopping
Before the online retail era, according to a sales manager at a Volkswagen dealership who asked not to be named, a typical auto shopper might visit a dealer showroom six times before finally making a purchase. Multiple visits were needed to test a car's performance, study its advantages and disadvantages, compare it with other vehicles, and haggle over price with a salesman, the manager said.
Today, the manager said, a shopper may visit a dealer showroom only three times before making a purchase. Speeding the process is the fact that shoppers can learn a lot about cars – features, performance levels and pricing – online. They can also read comments from other consumers who've bought or have experience with certain models. After researching online, the manager said, a car buyer usually "knows what (he or she) wants. They come just to test drive the car and talk about the price."
Online shoppers are also helped by Tmall, which provides special sales data to dealers. The data helps them stock their dealerships with the most marketable vehicles. The manager said some of this data tells dealers which models are in demand in specific geographical areas, thus helping them know what to stock and where in order to control distribution costs.
Negative Impact
Shopping may be convenient and sales easier, but car dealers are not necessarily celebrating the shift to online auto buying.
Because consumers can examine auto prices online, they often find it easier to bargain inside a showroom until a salesman caves in and accepts a lower price. Consumers can also surf the Internet for special promotions and discounts.
As a result, online retailing is cutting into dealer profits in China, a country where car sales rose around 14 percent between 2012 and 2013, and are likely to end 2014 with a 10 percent increase, according to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Dealers in recent years have also been hurt by car-ownership limits imposed by some cities in China seeking to control traffic congestion and pollution, said auto industry analysts.
Some dealers have even cut prices to below-wholesale levels in order to attract buyers, said the China Auto Dealer Chamber of Commerce. The chamber has urged dealers to end this practice, spelling out its plea in an open letter to the entire industry distributed November 17.
Losses were posted by some 38 percent of all auto dealers in China in 2012 and 30 percent in 2013, according to the industry consultancy J.D. Power.
A lot of dealerships are pinched because of their fixed costs for labor, real estate and financing, said Wu Yingqiu, founder of the car-selling website 5dcar.com. Dealers also spend a lot of money on marketing.
As a result, according to 5dcar.com, a dealer's fixed and marketing costs can eat up 30,000 yuan for every car sold for 100,000 yuan. Wu said his website's strives to help dealers cut costs by delivering cars to buyers' homes within seven days of an online booking.
Dealers have also tried to improve the bottom line by offering more after-sales services. Servicing vehicles equipped with on-board, smart-driving systems, for example, should provide a tidy revenue source for dealers. The goal is to transform every showroom facility into a complete vehicle shop and servicing center.
The Henan Province dealership China Harmony Auto Holding Ltd., which became the province's first BMW franchise in 2005, underwent a service-oriented makeover in 2013. It's now a company devoted to maintaining all kinds of cars.
Dealers are also selling their services along with cars through online retailers. For example, BMW and General Motors dealers offered service packages at discount prices November 11 on the Tmall website. Shortly after the sales began, these packages sold out.
The click-and-drive phenomenon has turned some automakers more responsive to dealers and consumers, too. Dongfeng Nissan, for example, launched a new business unit to manage e-commerce business. The unit is designed to improve communication with buyers of its vehicles, while cutting costs and improving marketing for dealers.
LOS ANGELES — Brothers Dagoberto Dueñas, 59, of Rosemead, and Mario Ernesto Gonzalez, 53, of Los Angeles, pleaded no contest to one count of sales tax evasion on Dec. 2, according to Board of Equalization (BOE) Chairman Jerome E. Horton.
Each was sentenced to three years in state prison, to be served in county jail. Deputy District Attorney James Belna of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Major Fraud Division prosecuted the case.
“Tax evasion is a serious crime and it is gratifying that these men will be held to account for depriving our state’s honest taxpayers of more than $1.5 million in services,” said Chairman Horton.
Dueñas and Gonzalez owned and operated Space Auto Sales and Spin Auto Sales, respectively, used car dealerships in Los Angeles. The businesses sold used cars from approximately 2007 to 2009.
The BOE’s investigation against Dueñas and Gonzalez began in 2008 when it was discovered that they had failed to report a large amount of sales. The investigation revealed that Dueñas failed to report at least $12.3 million in taxable sales resulting in approximately $1,043,939 in unreported sales tax from 2007 through 2009. Gonzalez was held responsible for failing to report almost $500,000 of sales tax under Spin Auto Sales. Resource: Dealers Sentenced to 3 Years for Sales Tax Evasion Dealers Sentenced to 3 Years for Sales Tax Evasion
U.S. dealership buy/sell activity reached a new high in the first three quarters of 2014, soaring to an 89% year-over-year increase, according to the Kerrigan Quarterly Blue Sky Report for third quarter 2014.
According to the report, which covers activity through Oct. 1, 2014, the entry into the market of new players has driven price expectations to record peaks, most notably influenced by Berkshire Hathaway’s acquisition of Van Tuyl, the largest acquisition in the auto industry’s history. The report also noted that the completion of Lithia’s acquisition of DCH has had a significant impact on blue sky valuations.
“These two mega deals have motivated a new wave of sellers to consider entering the market, while also pushing pricing expectations to peak — and likely unsustainable — levels,” said Erin Kerrigan, founder and managing director of Kerrigan Advisors. “In addition, they are inspiring a new class of capital — private equity and family offices — to acquire dealerships.”
In addition to the continued rise in transaction activity — 148 dealership transactions in the first three quarters of 2014, versus 78 in the same period in 2013 — key findings this quarter include the dramatic increase in private capital seeking to enter the industry, and the projection that 2014 will prove to be the most active buy/sell year in over a decade, with over 200 transactions completed by year’s end.
Furthermore, according to the report, because the capital markets are increasingly facilitating ever larger transactions, the number of multi-dealership acquisitions more than doubled in the first nine months of 2014 versus the same period 2013, and that the financing available for large acquisitions has contributed to the rise in blue sky values.
In conjunction with the release of the report, Kerrigan Advisors also announced that it has launched a new private equity and family office advisory practice to be led by Ryan Kerrigan, who has worked in the private equity sector for over 13 years, including leading transaction origination for a middle-market private equity firm.
“It is not surprising that private capital is seeking financial exposure to auto retail. These investors see a profitable, fragmented industry with tremendous consolidation opportunities,” said Ryan Kerrigan. “They also see attractive exit opportunities in the public markets through a future IPO. Private investors also see opportunity in a changing industry in which online sales, no-haggle pricing, and new forms of car ownership create attractive new business models that are less reliant on expensive human capital.”
TROY, Mich. — White continues to be the most popular car color globally, according to PPG Industries annual automotive color popularity data.
According to PPG’s global data, white ranked first (up 3% from last year to 28%), followed by black (18%), and silver and gray tied for third (13% each). Silver’s popularity continues to decrease across the globe, dropping seven percent over the last two years.
“Car manufacturers across the world are continually seeking new ways to create a unique appearance for models and vehicle brands. As color selection takes place two or three years in advance of a model year, it is important for auto makers to combine color popularity with global consumer trends,” said Jane E. Harrington, PPG manager, color styling, automotive OEM coatings. “Today, automotive manufacturers can choose from a broad array of colors as well as a wide assortment of variations of conservative hues such as white, silver, black and gray, and distinct effects such as micas, glass flakes, fine bright aluminum and hue-shifting pigments.”
The 2014 data also highlighted regional trends. In North America, white remains most popular (23%), followed by black (18%), gray (16%) and silver (15%). In South America, silver and white lead in popularity (32% each), followed by black (13%), gray (11%), red (8%) and blue (2%).
Additionally, in Europe, white remains most popular (25%), followed by black (15%) and gray (14%), and natural shades such as golds, beiges, yellows, oranges and browns continue to grow in popularity (12%). In Asia Pacific markets, white remains most popular (31%), followed by black (20%) and silver (12%).
Across North American vehicle types manufactured in 2014, PPG found that 10% of automobiles were coated in natural hues such as golds, beiges, yellows, oranges and browns. Browns in particular are growing in popularity in midsize and sport utility vehicle (SUV) models.
Sports models continue to be the most likely to feature red, blue or green shades. All three colors overtook gray and silver as more popular colors for sports models. Luxury vehicles, 24% of which were white in 2014, are most likely to feature effect finishes such as metallic or pearl tri-coat.
Looking to 2015 models, Harrington said PPG believes drivers will continue to see an increase in natural tones such as coppers, oranges and browns. New models also may be influenced by metal tones such as bronze, pewter and rose gold, which have had a significant influence across fashion, jewelry, furniture and industrial design in recent years.
In addition, consumers will have access to the same high-definition experience they now readily consume across entertainment platforms, with access to “high-depth” color — a deeper, richer version of color — especially in 2015 models that offer blues, reds and yellows.
By: AutoDealer Monthly
BANDON, Ore. — November was a turnaround month for independent dealerships, which realized a slight uptick in used-vehicle sales from a year ago, CNW Research reported last week. The firm also noted an increase in transaction prices from a year ago.
Versus a year ago, actual transaction prices for independent operations rose 2.8% in November, while sales inched up 0.3% from the same period one year ago.
“Independent dealers have been taking it on the chin for the past few months, seeing volumes decline versus 2013 on a regular basis — often double-digit declines,” CNW’s Art Spinella wrote in the firm’s monthly newsletter. “November, however, was a turnaround month for indies …”
Private sales, or what the firm refers to as “casual sales,” were down 2.3% on a year-over-year basis, cutting the segment’s full-year sales increase to less than 3%. The story was different for new-car dealers in November, Spinella noted.
“[Used-car operations at new-car dealerships] were on the positive side of sales and should see a near 2% increase for the full month to 1.226 million units,” Spinella wrote. “Prices also were up slightly versus a year ago by 1.2%.”
For the entire industry, floor traffic continued to slide in the first two 10-day periods of November. “… But it continued to hover in the 100 range,” Spinella noted. “The opening days of the third 10-day period, however, showed an improvement.”
Spinella also reported that days’ supply slipped by about 5.6%, which he attributed to dealers tightening up their inventories.
SCHAUMBURG, Ill. — In the third quarter of 2014, 30- and 60-day automotive-loan delinquencies grew 3.7% and 8.6%, respectively, from the previous year. This is according to Experian Automotive’s latest State of the Automotive Finance Market report.
“While we have observed a rise in delinquencies over the past few quarters, it was to be expected due to the growth in subprime loans. We have to keep in mind that a majority of the market is still in the prime risk category,” said Melinda Zabritski, Experian’s senior director of automotive credit. “As long as consumers continue to do a good job of making their auto-loan payments on time and lenders keep a close eye on how rates fluctuate year over year, the industry should remain relatively stable.
“Understanding the shifts in payment behavior and the industry’s risk tolerance are important for the market because these insights can trigger actions that affect vehicle prices, loan terms or interest rates,” she added.
Further findings from the report showed that, at a state level, states in the South accounted for four of the top five highest delinquency rates in both the 30- and 60-day category. On the flip side, the states with the lowest delinquency rates in both categories primarily resided in the Midwest and Northwest regions.
The report also found that total balances for all open automotive loans grew to $870 billion, up from $784 billion a year ago and finance companies saw the highest percentage increase in total dollar volume, jumping 19.6% to $134 billion.
Meanwhile, super-prime loans accounted for 20.6% of total loans in the third quarter of 2014, up from 20.26% the prior year. At the opposite end of the spectrum, deep subprime grew from 3.57% to 3.84%.
SCHAUMBURG, Ill. —The average dollar amount for both new and used vehicle loans reached all-time highs in the third quarter of 2014, according to Experian Automotive’s latest State of the Automotive Finance Market report. The average loan amount for a new vehicle was $27,799 in the third quarter of 2014, up $1,080 from the previous year. Used vehicle loans increased $676, reaching $18,576 over the same time period.
With the continued growth in loan amounts, the quarterly findings also showed consumers leasing at a higher rate, as well as taking out longer loans. The report found that leasing accounted for 29.1% of all new vehicle financing in third quarter 2014, up 7.1% from a year ago. New vehicle loans in the 73- to 84-month range grew by 23.7% in third quarter 2014 compared with the previous year, while used loans in the same range grew by 18% from a year ago.
“Car buyers tend to shop with a monthly payment in mind. As a result, we are continuing to see them turn to leasing and longer loan lengths as strategies to keep payments down and make vehicles more affordable,” said Melinda Zabritski, senior director of automotive finance for Experian. “As car values continue to reach new heights, these insights will help dealers, lenders and consumers become more aware of the options available to them to keep people buying cars, all while staying within their budgets.”
Furthermore, the report found that the average monthly payment for new and used vehicle loans increased from the previous year. The monthly payment for a new loan reached $470, up $12 from a year ago, while the monthly payment for a used loan reached an all-time high of $358, an increase of $8 over the same time period.
Additional findings from the report showed that interest rates for new vehicle loans increased slightly in the third quarter, climbing 4.7% from a year ago. However, despite the growth, these rates have decreased each quarter in 2014. Interest rates for used vehicle loans decreased to 8.5% in the quarter.
“As consumers explore the different options available to them to keep their monthly payments low, they have to remember interest rates often can play a factor. Making timely payments and becoming a low credit risk are the easiest ways to ensure a low interest rate,” continued Zabritski. “For example, the average interest rate for super-prime consumers on a new loan was 2.6%, compared with 12.7% for deep-subprime consumers. Understanding how on-time payments influence credit scores, can help consumers improve their financing experience.”
The report also noted that the average credit score for a new vehicle loan was 713 in the third quarter of 2014, down 3 points from a year ago, while the average credit score for a used vehicle loan rose 2 points to 650.
Captives were the only lender type to see an increase in market share year over year, up 28.9%. Meanwhile, a record-high 54.1% of all used vehicle transactions were financed, up from 52.6% in third quarter 2014. For new vehicles, 84.8% of all transactions were financed in third quarter 2014, which was unchanged from the previous year.
LOS ANGELES — J.D. Power’s John Humphrey gave the U.S. auto industry a clean bill of health this week at the NADA/J.D. Power Western Automotive Conference at The LA Downtown Hotel.
New-vehicle sales in the U.S. are steadily approaching the record of 17.3 million set in 2000, but are doing so with more discipline in pricing and the use of incentives, according to Humphrey, senior vice president of the global automotive practice at J.D. Power.
“The industry is in a very healthy state,” Humphrey told the audience from more than 250 automotive industry representatives. “[Sale] growth has continued to be impressive with this year up roughly 6%. We are approaching the record, which was arguably somewhat artificially inflated given less industry discipline and heavy reliance of subvention to move product back then.”
J.D. Power and LMC Automotive are projecting retail new vehicles sales to reach 13.6 million in 2014 with total new-vehicle sales to hit 16.4 million. The sales growth in 2015 is projected to be more moderate at 2% growth to 13.8 million retail sales and 16.7 million total sales.
Humphrey noted that average retail transaction price is $30,026 in 2014, up from $29,298 in 2013, and overall consumer expenditures on light vehicles are expected to reach a record $407 billion in 2014.
Despite the positive outlook for the auto industry, Humphrey cautions that there is some risk in the market.
“The first major issue to watch is the impact the inevitable increase in interest rates will do to demand,” Humphrey said. “We have enjoyed a prolonged period of very cheap money that is coming to an end, and this will clearly affect demand.”
Humphrey anticipates an aggregated rise of 100 basis points would likely increase demand by 300,000 units.
Auto dealers have emerged as contenders for the attention and dollars of Black Friday shoppers.
The promotions were enough to lure customers to car lots on a day when people traditionally shop for electronics, apparel and toys.
“It used to be that automotive (dealers) would throw in the towel and sit on the sidelines while every other retailer had their best day of the year,” said Chris Haydocy, co-owner of Haydocy Buick GMC on the West Side.
That has changed. Yesterday, most brands had some sort of marketing push and special discounts aimed at boosting traffic for the day, and many of the deals continue through the weekend.
At Germain Nissan on the Northeast Side, customers were offered incentives such as a limited supply of televisions, tablets and tickets to today’s Ohio State football game against Michigan.
“The last few years, we’ve thought maybe we should get in on that action,” said Paul Germain, one of the top managers of the company that owns the store.
Inside the showroom, giant bows adorned the vehicles.
Jim Merriman, 51, of Johnstown, was shopping for a car for his daughter, and the Nissan store was one of his first stops.
“It’s Black Friday, and I’m off work,” he said.
And that fact — that many customers have the day off — is one of the main reasons that dealers and automakers see an underused opportunity to attract customers.
Another factor this weekend is the OSU-Michigan game. Several dealers said they expect a lull in business during the game today, and they expected those in the market for a car to shift their shopping to yesterday or Sunday.
Dealers across the country are trying to boost sales on Black Friday and this weekend.
“Black Friday represents one of the hottest shopping days in America, and new-car shopping is no exception; there are amazing deals on new cars right now as the calendar year comes to a close,” Jack Nerad, executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book, said in a statement.
“This month’s deals include some 2015 models and some outgoing 2014s, compact sedans, midsize sedans and even a sporty three-row SUV.”
Some of the promotions:
Chevrolet is offering $1,000 cash back plus zero percent financing on
some models, including the 2014 Silverado pickup and 2015 Malibu sedan.
and GMC are offering a 20 percent discount on some models, including
most in the 2014 model year. The selection of eligible vehicles varies
depending on the store.
BMW is offering up to $3,500 off the price of some models, plus other incentives.
many brands, the holiday weekend is the start of campaigns that will
run through December. The year’s final month is one of the busiest for
the auto industry, and it’s the busiest for certain brands.
“They’re pushing for a strong finish,” said Mike Dunlap, BMW new-car sales manager at Midwestern Auto Group in Dublin.